In 2018, the founders of SABLE Media, a 501c3 nonprofit corporation, developed a new innovative day program called, ASCEND. This unique community-based program is for clients with developmental disabilities. The program's emphasis is on digital media, visual arts, telecommunications and technology.
ASCEND will collaborate with important community partners such as: Sacramento City Unified School District, City of Sacramento Enrichment Program, Alta California Regional Center, Department of Rehabilitation, Access Sacramento Studio and KVIE PBS Public Broadcasting System.
The trainers will provide step-by-step instructions, procedures and proper techniques as clients will have an opportunity to learn how to produce meaningful content with a coherent message for the general viewing audience.
ASCEND will offer an assortment of other activities the client may choose to build their individual schedule on. From digital media and technology to volunteering, social skills, health and wellness, recreation, employment skills and paid work (when available). ASCEND will always honor the client's right to choose how they want to spend their time in the program.
Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life. Emma Thompson
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the tools necessary to our clients to communicate information and ideas effectively through the art of visual story-telling.
Our Vision
Our vision is to encourage our clients to express their creativity as they gain self-esteem, self-confidence, improve communication skills and social interactions.